Tax effects on minijobs related to new minimum wage

On January, 1, 2015, a statutory minimum wage which is largely independent of the sector has been introduced on a nationwide basis in Germany.

Accordingly, all employees shall be entitled to re-ceive a wage of at least EUR 8.50 gross per hour (Section 1, Para. 1 and Para. 2, Sentence 1 German Minimum Wage Law ("Mindestlohngesetz" or "MiLoG")). From 2018 on, the minimum wage will be adjusted annually.

The minimum wage applies to full-time and part-time employees. Therefore, it can also affect mi-nor employments (so-called "minijobs" or "450- EUR-jobs").

A marginal employment within the meaning of Section 8 Para. 1 of the Fourth Book of the Code of Social Law ("Sozialgesetzbuch Viertes Buch - SGB IV") occurs if the remuneration from this employ-ment does regularly not exceed EUR 450 per month or if it is a short-term employment ("seasonal work").

For more details, have a look at our new flyer.

Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Tax effects on minijobs